Welcome to
WAES School
The Windsor Adventist Elementary School has a current enrollment of 33 children. The school is part of the church complex at 5350 Haig Avenue, and has two classrooms, a large gymnasium, an office, and a supply room. The school also shares various rooms with the church, including the conference room, an extra classroom, and a kitchen.
School History:
The Windsor School was founded in 1919, under the leadership of David Geauvreau, and was then called the Windsor SDA School. The operation was sporadic until the 1940’s after WWII, when the school opened again and has remained open continuously till this day. It has been relocated 4 times. In the early 1990’s, the current facility was opened.
The curriculum at WAES mirrors that of the Province of Ontario in many respects, yet remains distinctively Christian. We begin our day with worship, pray before lunch and at the close of day. Two weeks of Spiritual Emphasis, one in the fall and the second in the spring, give an added boost to the spiritual nature of our school. A Bible class instructs students in the Word of God, and also brings them closer to their Creator.
Although relatively small by public school standards, it has many advantages, including:
- An excellent pupil to teacher ratio of approximately 11 to 1
- A Bible based, spiritual component not available in the public school system.
- A dedicated team of Christian teachers.
- Excellent scores on standardized provincial tests.
- A large variety of activities for students outlined in the school calendar.
- Low tuition rates (As a private school, we are not supported with government funding.)
- We are part of a larger educational system which is North American wide, and therefore have access to resources not available to many other private schools.
Former Students



Scott Bastien
Sylvia Clarke
Sylvia Clarke graduated from Sam Sharpe Teachers’ and gained ten years of teaching experience in Jamaica. After immigrating to Canada she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Family and Community Social Social Services from the University of Guelph-Humber. She is currently Studying online with the University of Burman as well as Adventist Learning community. She is a dedicated wife and mother of 3. Sylvia’s philosophy of education is that true education is one grounded in the knowledge and belief of Jesus Christ. Her mission is to inspire every student to achieve great success both academically and spiritually.