Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church Policy

Windsor Seventh-day Adventist
Church Policy

Updated January 19, 2019

Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14

Dear Leaders of the Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church,

This policy is a compilation of past voted actions and standard practices ingrained in the collective memory of our church members. It aims to provide concise guidelines for ensuring consistent administration within our church. It’s important to note that the policy does not delve into the reasoning behind each statement. Instead, it serves as a reference for our established practices.

Please be aware that this policy is not foolproof, and unforeseen situations may arise in the future that are not explicitly covered in this selection. Over the years, certain policies have been amended to adapt to technological developments and systemic changes in our society.

This policy serves as a supplement to the Church Manual, offering custom recommendations for situations not covered in the Church Manual and Ministry job descriptions prescribed by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

The objectives of this policy are as follows:

  1. Efficiency: To save time by avoiding repeated decision-making on recurring situations.
  2. Unity: To unite the volunteers of the church in a common purpose in Christ, preventing privileged and unfair practices.
  3. Guidance: To provide a framework for making sound decisions by the church leadership with respect to organizational procedures.
  4. Orientation and Education: To aid in the orientation and education of new employees and volunteers.
  5. Leadership Stability: To protect the organization from autocratic and erratic leadership.
  6. Equality: To enable fair and equal treatment of people.
  7. Ethical Standards: To safeguard against fraud and other ethical failures by outlining appropriate procedures.
  8. Risk Mitigation: To shield employees and volunteers from making serious mistakes.
  9. Legal Protection: To protect the organization legally by demonstrating the proper intended practice.

The intent of this policy is to consider all people groups within the church, and it is validated by the vote of church members at a Business meeting, ensuring representation from all stakeholders. The Church Board will recommend amendments, additions, or removal of policies, and the Church at large, in a Business session, will make conclusive rulings.

  • Brief History of the Church (Our Roots)
  • Purpose Statement – Connection with the World-wide Adventist Church
  • Statement of Faith – Affirming 28 Fundamental Beliefs
  • Vision and Mission
  • Our Values
  • Operational Policies
  • Decision-Making Policies
  • Financial Policies
  • Each policy will indicate the date it was approved or amended.
  • Each policy will be numbered.
  • Pages of the Policy Booklet will be numbered.
  • The booklet will be indexed for ease of reference.
  • A copy of the booklet will be kept by the Clerk at every Board meeting.

 Thank you for your attention to these guidelines.



(1) Percentage Allocation Budgeting (Oct.8, 1991)

We practice ‘percentage budgeting’ for funds remaining after covering fixed items. The distribution of these remaining funds will be in accordance with the Church Budget percentage recommendations.


(2) Church Board Quorum (Jan.25,1992)

A quorum for Church Board Meetings is defined as 1/3 of the total Board members, rounded up to the nearest whole number in the case of an odd total


(3) Christian Counselling (Jun.23,1992)

A counseling limit of $300 is established for any member. If additional funding is required after this amount has been depleted, the Board will assess the situation.


(4) Discussion Time at Board meeting (Jan.18,1993)

Limit the discussion of each item on the Board agenda to a maximum of 10 or 15 minutes per item


(5) Funding for Travel to Conferences and Training Sessions (May.16, 1994)

Church members traveling to specific meetings during the year will use funds from their respective departments. This allowance is limited to once per year, and any expenditure from the department must be authorized by the church board.


(6) Construction Projects (Nov. 8, 1994)

This set of policies applies to any major construction or renovation undertaken by the church or its members, where the church or a group of its members assumes the role of a general contractor. A building committee, nominated by the church, will oversee the construction or renovations, and the committee will appoint one or more construction supervisors.

The purpose of this policy document is to establish a set of written procedures to guide construction activities, ensuring:

  • Tenders and quotations are handled in a fair and consistent manner.
  • Construction work is performed to acceptable standards.
  • Financial records are properly maintained for all transactions.
  • Safety aspects are not overlooked or ignored.
  • Potential sources of conflict between church members are minimized.

The policies covered in this document are categorized into six areas:

  • Work Contracts,
  • Materials Purchasing,
  • Safety Procedures,
  • Construction Supervisor(s) Responsibilities,
  • Financial Policies,
  • Conflict Avoidance and Resolution.”


1.0 Work Contracts

  • Tenders
  • All tenders for contract work must be explicit and include sufficient details about the work and materials to avoid any misunderstanding about the requirements.
  • Tenders should specify that all work performed must adhere to applicable provincial and municipal codes and follow generally accepted construction practices.
  • Tenders should include information about the estimated time required for the completion of the work, based on a projected starting date.
  • Tenders must inquire whether the quoting company has liability insurance coverage for employees, such as workers’ compensation and other relevant insurances.


  • Number of tender requests:

       The following number of tenders shall be required depending on the value of the work to be done:

0 to $500                1 quote minimum

$501 to $2000        2 quotes minimum

$2001 or greater   3 quotes minimum


  • A time limit shall be set for tender responses. The request for quotation shall specify a date and time beyond which any received quotations will not be considered. The only exception to this rule will occur if the building committee receives too few quotations or determines that none are acceptable. In such cases, the tendering process for the designated work will restart, and all previous tenders must be resubmitted.
  • Alterations to Specifications During Tender Period: If a change in specifications becomes necessary after issuing the request for tender, all quoting parties shall be informed of the changes in writing via regular mail, fax, or email with an attachment of electronic documents.
  • Alterations to Specifications After Tenders Have Been Received: If tenders have been received but a change in specifications is required, companies that submitted quotations on time shall be notified of the changes in writing and allowed additional time to resubmit a modified price.
  • Alterations to Specifications After Contract is Awarded: While this scenario is to be avoided, if changes to specifications are necessary after a contract has been awarded, the building committee shall request a modified price, and the course of action thereafter shall be determined by the building committee. All changes must be documented in writing.
  • For contract work less than $5,000, construction supervisor(s) may determine the companies or individuals requested to quote. For amounts equal to or greater than $5,000, the building committee shall meet to determine who will be requested to quote. Priority shall be given to any qualified church members in determining those requested to quote.
  • All quotations received must be valid for a minimum period of 30 days.
  • If a member of the building committee or a construction supervisor is submitting a quotation for work, that individual shall be excluded from all meetings and decisions regarding the awarding of the contract.
  • Criteria For Determining Winning Contract:
  1. The building committee is not obligated to solely consider the lowest quoted price when determining the award of a contract. Other factors, including competence, past work, and availability, may also be taken into account.
  2. Any company to be awarded a contract exceeding $2,000, and whose work is not well known to individuals on the building committee, shall undergo an investigation by contacting the Better Business Bureau..
  3. When all other factors are considered equal, priority shall be given in the awarding of the contract to church members.
  4. In all tenders, the price quotations received shall not be disclosed outside of the building committee, nor to anyone quoting who sits on the committee. All pricing and discussion of quotes shall be treated as confidential.
  5. In all cases, the decision of the building committee shall be deemed final, and no reason shall be provided to any individual for the non-award of a contract.
  • A contractor awarded a contract for work exceeding $1,000 shall be formally notified in writing.


  • Inspection and Compliance
  • Inspection of work and materials shall be done by the construction supervisor(s) and by regulatory authorities and architect / engineers where applicable.
  • If any of the above inspections result in an opinion of non-compliance with quoted specifications and drawings, or non-compliance with municipal or provincial codes, or a judgment of poor workmanship or materials, the course of action to be pursued by the construction supervisor is as follows:
  1. Construction supervisor shall approach the individual or company representative and discuss the problem. If the problem is not resolved by this discussion to the satisfaction of the construction supervisor, then proceed to step 2.
  2. The construction supervisor shall discuss the situation with the other construction supervisor(s) if there are more than one, and attempt to resolve the situation with their support.
  3. If this still fails to resolve the problem, then the building committee shall meet, at which time both the construction supervisor(s) and the contractor or worker involved will have opportunity to present their case.
  4. If the building committee finds that the contractor has not performed the work as specified and required, then remaining payment shall be withheld until the problem has been corrected to the satisfaction of the building committee, and the contractor may be told to discontinue work until the situation has been resolved, at the discretion of the committee.


  • Payment Policies
  • All tenders shall request terms of payment from the contractor. In the absence of any stated payment policies, the following terms of payment shall apply:

50% of work completed – Pay 50% of total amount

Major portion of work completed – Pay 40% of total

Final completion and cleanup done – Pay remaining 10%

  • If work is being done by a church member, and funds are required for the initial purchase of materials, the building committee may alter the above payment terms to allow for this amount to be paid initially.
  • In all cases of payment dispute, the building committee shall attempt to resolve the dispute. If it cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties and the amount is in excess of $1000, the problem may be taken to the church board for resolution.
    • Work–In–Progress Changes

Changes to the building design may occur while construction is in progress due to design mistakes, material unavailability, architect / engineer initiated changes, time constraints, weather, and other external factors.  The construction supervisor shall be responsible for approving such changes if they are of a minor nature.  Major changes should be taken to the building committee for approval, particularly if the changes require major cost increases.


  • Materials Purchases
    • Quotations

For the ordering of construction materials, the number of quotations required shall be tiered as follows:

0 – $500         1 Quotation only

$501 – $2000        2 Quotations required

$2001 or more    3 Quotations required (in writing)

All quotation requests must ask for delivery time, and warranty on materials.  Specifications must be explicit such that there is no ambiguity as to what is required.  The criteria for determining the winning quote shall be the same as in section 1.1 Tenders, item. 13.

  • Order Placements

The construction supervisor, after having obtained sufficient quotations for materials, is authorized to place orders for amounts up to $2000 without the approval of the building committee.  Orders exceeding this amount must be authorized by the building committee,

  • Deliveries

The construction supervisor is responsible for signing for deliveries of materials ordered by the church (not for goods ordered by outside contractors), and for examining the goods to ensure correct quantity and determine any damage.  In the event of damage, the construction supervisor or another designated person must arrange for and initiate the return of such goods to the supplier.  In the event of shipment of the wrong goods, or a delivery shortage, the above person(s) must also contact the supplier.

  • Materials Storage

Before a construction project begins, the building committee should decide upon or create a place for material storage, in order to prevent damage or loss due to theft, vandalism, rain, cold, heat, etc.


3.0  Safety Procedures and Policies

  • Before beginning a construction or renovation project, the church building committee shall investigate liability insurance coverage, and obtain a policy adder during the construction period if needed to ensure that the church is protected financially if someone is injured on site.
  • In all cases, standard construction safety practices shall be followed as determined by the building committee of the construction supervisor(s).
  • Contractors shall be responsible for daily cleanup and periodic debris removal. The building committee may choose to appoint one or more volunteers to assist with general cleanup.
  • A First Aid Kit including rubber or vinyl gloves shall be available at all times when work is being done. The construction supervisor(s) shall be aware of the location of these items.
  • Construction supervisors shall be aware of emergency procedures, including calling 911 and of the walk-in clinic on Rivard.


4.0  Construction Supervisor Responsibilities

The construction supervisor(s) shall:

  • Organize and direct all work on the project, coordinating the activities of all contractors and tradesmen.
  • Attempt to resolve on-site problems
  • Sign for deliveries of church ordered goods and materials
  • Purchase small value materials and items as needed
  • Ensure that safety standards are met and that workers are adhering to required safety policies
  • Have the authority to stop work or remove personnel from the site
  • Ensure that material is stored safely
  • Be a liaison to the building committee
  • Be available during building department / architect / engineering inspections


5.0   Financial Guidelines

  • A petty cash fund should be established for the construction supervisor(s) to purchase small items quickly when needed. A balance of approximately $200 should be maintained for this, and the construction treasurer should see that this amount is available in cash on an ongoing basis.  Construction supervisors must submit receipts to the treasurer in order to receive replacement money.
  • Proper books and records must be maintained. Receipts are required for all expenditures and no reimbursements should be made without the accompanying receipts.
  • On all work done on the project, final payment shall not be made until the work has been inspected and approved by either the construction supervisor(s) or the building committee as a whole.
  • In all cases, bills must be submitted to the treasurer of the building committee no less than one week before payment is due.


6.0   Conflict Avoidance

  • The building committee look carefully at all decisions made which may be a source of internal strife or conflict, and take measures as needed to avoid this.
  • Construction supervisors be well aware of this potential problem area in dealing with all church members involved in the project, exercising tact and making an effort to avoid confrontation as much as possible.
  • Church members will be informed by letter both, through the bulletin inserts, and displayed on the announcement board, regarding the dates and time of construction, zones which will be affected. If church members have recommendations or concerns, such should be directed to the Building Committee director, or members of the Building Committee. No member should engage contract workers directly regarding the work process.


(7) Event Planning (Sep.13, 1994)

Prior to planning any church-sponsored activity outside of church premises, Division Leaders must obtain Church Board approval for the activity. This is essential to ensure the validity of our insurance coverage in the event of an accident.


(8) Youth and Children’s Group Outings (May13, 1996)

Whenever a Youth or Children’s group is traveling for a performance or any other purpose, a chaperone must accompany them. The designated chaperone should be over 25 years of age and acceptable to the Church Board. This individual is responsible for overseeing the conduct of all individuals within the group. The absence of this designated chaperone on any trip nullifies the church’s authorization for the trip, and the church is not liable for any resulting liabilities.


(9) Guidelines for Children’s Story During Divine Service (Sep.8,1997)

  • Time Limit: Optimal duration is 3 minutes (with a maximum of 5 minutes).
  • Moral/Spiritual Lesson: The story must convey a moral and/or spiritual lesson, including personal stories.
  • Audience Focus: The story should be directed toward children, not adults.
  • Biblical Orientation: The story must be biblically oriented (Bible-based) or Christ-centered.
  • Oral Presentation: The story is to be told, not read.


(10) Church Keys (Nov.10, 1997, updated Oct.7, 2002)

A Key Evaluating Committee shall be formed, consisting of the First Deacon, First Deaconess, Building Committee Chairperson, First Elder, and the Pastor. The First Deacon will serve as the key-issuer, and the committee is responsible for determining individuals who should have keys to the church


(11) Issuing of Tax Receipts in Exchange for Donated Items (Feb.9, 1998)

All donated gifts must be presented to the Church Board for approval before acceptance and the issuance of a receipt.


(12) Reserve Fund Minimum Balance (Nov.9, 1998)

We shall establish and maintain a minimum balance of no less than $2,000.00 in the Reserve Fund.


(13) Church Calendar Booking (Mar.13, 2000; updated 2017)

All calendar events must first be cleared with the Church Clerk before being written/entered into the church Google calendar to reserve a time or day.


(14) Funding of Student Mission Trips (Apr.21, 2001)

Following subsidies shall be given to students participating in a short-term missionary activities.

  • If the cost of Mission trip up to $1,000.00, the Church will sponsor $100.00 per person.
  • If the cost of Mission trip over $1,000.00, the Church will sponsor up to maximum $200.00 per person.
  • Yearly maximum to be spent on mission trips from the Church Budget is $600.00
  • One board member should contact the applicant for a brief interview to ensure that the applicant is truly committed to making the mission trip, i.e.: they will still go if they have to pay part of the cost themselves and / or work to cover part of the cost.  Sponsorship will only be given to a member of the church and only once per person per year.  The sponsored church member will be required to make a presentation to the church about the trip either during Sabbath School or AY.
  • Student Missionary Fund to be established and maintained (Aug.2003). Funding is dependent on funds being available.
  • Youth Department is tasked with promoting awareness of and contributions to the Student Missionary Fund (Oct.7, 2002).


(15) Undesignated Offerings (Mar. 2002)

Until further notice, all undesignated offerings, which specifically refer to funds placed in a tithe envelope with an individual’s name, shall be allocated to the Combined Budget. This directive excludes loose offerings deposited in the offering plate.


(16) Flower Committee (Oct.7,2002)

The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be responsible for delivering flowers to the sick and gifts to the bereaved.


(17) Board Member Attendance (Oct. 7, 2002)

Church Board members will receive notification when they have missed three board meetings. The Church Clerk can send a form letter by mail or contact members by phone. Board members are expected to notify the Pastor in advance if they will be absent from a board meeting


(18) Borrowing Items from the church for personal use (Oct.7, 2002)

Respective department heads, to whom specific equipment belongs, are responsible for presenting to the Board all requests from members seeking to borrow church items. The Kitchen/Potluck Coordinator is in charge of handling requests related to kitchen items, while furniture items such as tables and chairs fall under the purview of the Building Committee. It is encouraged to discourage borrowing items from the church.


(19) Date and Time of Board Meetings (Jan.14, 2003)

Board Meetings will convene on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m.


(20) Church Organ Student Use Guidelines (Feb.9,2003)

  • All candidates’ names must be brought before the Church Board before lessons commence.
  • Candidates must be recommended by a qualified organ teacher as ‘organ-ready.’
  • Organ students are expected to demonstrate maturity and responsibility.
  • Organ students under the age of 18 will be supervised by their parent/guardian while at the church, responsible for ensuring the church is locked after use.
  • Organ students are expected to exhibit reverence for God’s house through both their music and behavior.
  • It is understood that organ students are preparing themselves to serve the Church through the use of their musical skills.
  • Organ students will observe the following expectations:
  1. No food or drink is allowed in the sanctuary.
  2. The use of full organ stops will be the exception, rather than the rule.
  3. Students are expected to be considerate of others using the sanctuary by playing in soft tones.
  4. Practice time must be rescheduled if it conflicts with a church event or other scheduled use.
  5. Organ time is designated for the sole purpose of practice, not for socializing with others.
  6. Friends are not permitted to touch the organ, nor should they be present during rehearsals.


(21) Communion Table Use (Apr.14,2003)

The Communion Table should be treated with due reverence and, therefore, should not be used for common purposes or in a common way.


(22) Term of School Board Trustees (May 12, 2003)

To ensure continuity, School Board Trustee terms shall coincide with the fiscal year of the school, running from August 1 to July 31.


(23) Benevolent Fund, line 2100 (May12, 2003, updated March 20, 2023) à

  1. The fund is available to all individuals in need, both members and non-members
  2. The granting of funds is contingent upon the availability of money in the Benevolent Fund Account.
  3. If the benevolent fund balance falls below $300.00, a fundraiser may be organized.
  4. No funds will be withdrawn from any other ministry accounts to replenish the benevolent fund. In cases of urgency, the fund may remain negative until replenished.
  5. Requesters may be referred to other established relief funds
  6. The responsibility for granting funds lies with the church board. Decisions must be made during the monthly board meeting based on recommendations from the subcommittee.
  7. A proposed subcommittee should be established to ensure individual privacy, reviewing and presenting recommendations to the Board..
  8. The committee will determine the urgency of each request.
  9. The Subcommittee should include at least one member of the board and the finance committee, totaling a minimum of three persons..
  10. Only the sub-committee should be aware of the names of those requesting funds, and they will not disclose the identities of those who prefer to remain anonymous
  11. An email address should be created for the subcommittee’s use in managing requests.
  12. The individual creating the email address should set permissions to ‘READ AND WRITE BUT NOT EDITED.’
  13. All handwritten requests will be scanned and uploaded to the email.
  14. The subcommittee will oversee the Emergency Requests box
  15. Time-sensitive requests will be emailed to the subcommittee.
  16. The subcommittee will assess if the requests meet essential needs rather than lifestyle wants.
  17. In case of an emergency, the pastor or other authorized individuals are permitted to disburse up to $100.00 without prior approval. However, the board should be notified at the next board meeting. In the absence of the pastor, an administrative elder, as the secondary authority, and the Treasurer, as the tertiary individual, should be authorized to disburse up to $100.00 without prior approval from the board. The board should, however, be notified at the next board meeting.
  18. The treasurer should issue the money in the form of a cheque to the designated recipient (e.g., landlord, funeral home)
  19. Funds should be directed specifically to organizations, such as mortgage or utility companies, rather than individuals. An exception may be made under extenuating circumstances (e.g., e-transfer).
  20. The decisions regarding the benevolent fund can be conducted via email, allowing for a discussion and answer period to simulate a general board meeting session. All board members should thoughtfully consider all requested amounts and respond accordingly.
    1. The subcommittee will notify the board via email. An email vote is appropriate only if the need is urgent, and the amount is $500.00 or less.
  21. A recommended limit of $500.00 is suggested. Any funds exceeding $500.00 should be addressed in a general board meeting rather than through email. If benevolence to an individual exceeds $500 or is provided in a continuous systematic manner, it is considered “social assistance” for Income Tax Act purposes. In this case, the church Treasurer is responsible and must issue a T5007 to the recipient.
  22. For requests exceeding $2000.00, the board should present the information to the entire church for further consideration. The board should also notify the individual that the request will be made known to the church.
  23. A recommended limit of $500.00 is suggested. If a maximum of three consecutive requests from the same individual is fulfilled within two years, any subsequent requests will be referred to other resources (e.g., food bank, financial training, or other available funds)
  24. When more than one person seeks help, the subcommittee, as defined in paragraph #3, will consider the urgency of each situation to determine the order of assistance and advise the board accordingly.


(24) Allocation of Lamb’s Offering (May.16, 2006)

  • The first $3,000.00 raised with the Lamb’s Offering shall be donated by the church to assist needy students at the school.”
  • Any additional funds raised by the Lamb’s Offering beyond the $3,000.00 shall be directed toward the amount required by the Church Board to financially assist students who have requested 3-way matching funds.”
  • Any funds raised beyond the $3,000.00 that are not required for the 3-way matching fund shall be advanced to the school for their needy student program.


(25) Offerings Received During Functions Presented by Individuals or Groups (Oct.31,2006)

According to the letter from the Ontario Conference outlining proper methods for handling offerings received during events hosted at local churches, all funds collected during such events are given to the individuals, and only a rental fee for the facility use is charged


(26) Building Maintenance and Safety Committee (Dec.10, 2012)

  • The Building Maintenance and Safety Committee shall also assume the functions of the Décor committee, including overseeing any proposed changes that result in structural alterations to walls, floors, or ceilings, as well as changes to the colors or finishing of walls, floors, ceilings, affecting the appearance of any public area such as the church lobby, foyer, sanctuary, halls, gym, kitchen, and washrooms. The committee is also responsible for alterations to the general landscaping and outside maintenance of the church.
  • As of September 13, 1999, the Committee has the authority to make repairs costing up to $300 per occurrence without consulting the Board. If a major repair exceeding the $300 limit is required, the Church Board must be notified, and an emergency Board meeting shall be called to address the issue.
  • Additionally, the Safety Committee shall conduct quarterly examinations of the facilities in accordance with ARM (Adventist Risk Management) guidelines and checklist.


(27) Church School Sponsor’s Club (Mar.18, 2013)

The Church School Sponsor’s Club is officially recognized as a ministry of the church


(28) Voting by E-mail (Apr.14, 2014)

Following rules apply for the use of e-mail voting on Board matters:

  • No more than three items should be voted on in a single e-mail.
  • Items should not involve sensitive or confidential information.
  • When additional discussion is needed on an item, the vote will be halted and deferred to the next board meeting.
  • Discussion of an item is allowed for educational purposes only, not for voting.
  • Individuals without e-mail should be contacted by phone for their vote.
  • A quorum for a vote without discussion is 50% plus one response.
  • The Pastor, the first Elder as Board chair, or the Clerk by assignment are authorized to initiate a vote.
  • A deadline for voting should be clearly stated in the e-mail.
  • E-mail voting is reserved for emergency items only.




This policy governs the utilization of the Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church internet service, encompassing both wired and wireless access, excluding the school environment. The current service is jointly shared by the church and Windsor Adventist Elementary School. The school administrator, in collaboration with the church administrator, will establish or refine a usage policy for school staff and students. The ultimate authority for the system lies with the church board in session. In the context of this policy, “giving access to the service” denotes providing an individual with an access password.

Church Administrator

  • An appointed church internet service administrator is tasked with the responsibilities of managing access, implementing password changes, and maintaining the overall service. This appointment is made by the church board, and if deemed necessary, an assistant may be appointed.
  • The administrator is required to keep a comprehensive information sheet securely stored at the church. This document includes crucial details such as user ID, password(s), service provider information, contact details for the provider, current wired locations, and a list of church-owned equipment (e.g., modem, routers, signal switch, service specifications, etc.). Additionally, the administrator is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date user list.
  • In the event of a new administrator selection, the outgoing administrator is obliged to ensure the seamless transfer of all key information to the successor. This practice ensures continuity and effective management of the church internet service.


General Usage Policies

1)  Access information (ID and password) to the church internet service will be provided to the following designated individuals::

  1. Internet Service Administrator(s)
  2. Currently serving pastor(s)
  3. 1st elder and assistants to the 1st elder
  4. Community service leader and up to 2 assistant leaders
  5. Audio Visual leader and up to 2 assistant leaders
  6. PowerPoint operator and up to 2 assistants
  7. Church treasurer

2) Furthermore, access to the church internet service may be extended to other ministry leaders at the discretion of the Service Administrator(s), as needed or upon the request of the church board.

3) The administrator, in collaboration with the school administrator, will periodically change the access password. This routine change should occur no more than once per year and no less than once every three years, unless service access has been compromised. In the event of a security breach, the password should be changed immediately, and key users notified promptly to ensure the integrity of the system.

4) As key department personnel with internet access undergo periodic changes, individuals leaving their positions are required to inform the administrator. Simultaneously, they should provide the name of their replacement person to facilitate a smooth transition. Furthermore, department personnel are explicitly prohibited from sharing the password with individuals not covered in this policy. In the event of accidental disclosure, it is imperative that the administrator be promptly informed to address the situation and maintain the security of the internet service. 

5) Presently, only the community services department and AV booth have wired access to the internet service, which does not necessitate a password (excluding school connections). It is imperative that no other individual establishes a wired connection without obtaining explicit permission from the administrator. This measure ensures controlled access and preserves the security of the internet service.


(30) Guest Speakers (Jan. 27, 2017)

Guest speakers for the Worship Service shall be either:

  1. Adventist pastors credentialed in the Ontario Conference,
  2. Adventist pastors credentialed in other conferences after verification of credentials by Pastor or First Elder
  3. Other individuals as approved by the Board of Elders.
  4. Under no circumstances will any department or ministry leader change the order of the divine service or replace the sermon for any other purpose without discussing it first with the Worship Committee.


(31) Guest Speaker Remuneration (Jan. 27, 2017)

  • Any guest speaker scheduled for a weekend or two weeks with the intent of evangelistic purposes will be reimbursed from the Evangelism fund, subject to approval from the Evangelism Board.
  • Guest speakers engaged solely for preaching a sermon will be compensated at the Conference special travel rate of $0.25 per kilometer.
  • Groups seeking a speaker must first consult with the Pastor for coordination.
  • If the speaker is not paid from the Evangelism fund, reimbursement for mileage and meals will be processed upon submission of receipts to the treasurer. The funds will be drawn from the ministry departmental funds that extended the invitation.
  • Monetary transactions will not take place on Sabbath.
  • Speakers will receive payment only after the submission of receipts.


(32) Students Assistance Policy (Jan.27, 2017 update)

  • Establishment of Tuition Assistance Fund (Jun.12, 2000): The Tuition Assistance Fund is established, and its presence is communicated in the bulletin to encourage contributions from all members. Requests for financial assistance from the fund must be approved by the board.
  • 3-Way Matching Fund for Adventist Post-Secondary Institutions (Jan.12, 2006): A 3-Way Matching Fund is established for students attending Adventist post-secondary institutions. Every child of a baptized member (in good standing) of the Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church is eligible for matching funds applicable to Adventist Schools such as Kingsway College, Burman University, Oakwood University, and other Adventist schools.
  • ACF Scholarship Fund (Sep.12, 2016): The ACF Scholarship Fund is established to provide annual scholarships specifically for Adventist students attending secular campuses.


(33) Worship Committee Composition (Feb.9, 2003; Jan. 27, 2017)

Worship Committee consists of following:  Pastor, First Elder, Associate Admin Elders, First Deacon, First Deaconess, Youth Leader, Music Director, Choir Director, Praise Director, Prayer Director, Audio-Visual support, Greeters Director, Bulletin Producer.  The Pastor serves as the Chair of the Worship committee.


(34) Farewell Gift for Moving Individuals (Sep.13,1994, updated 2017)

When individuals or families associated with our church relocate to a different city, a farewell gift of $50 will be extended per family. The allocated funds for this gesture will be sourced from the Reserve Fund.


(35) Minutes of Board Meetings (Jan.27, 2017)

The Church Clerk is responsible for distributing the minutes to all members of the board via email at least one week before board meetings. Additionally, the Clerk will ensure a printed copy is available for reference during the board meeting.




Cleaning assignments for following areas:

Sanctuary & adjacent Deacons’ Room

  1. Vacuum carpets weekly.
  2. Vacuuming of chairs and pews
  3. Dust blinds and furniture weekly.
  4. Clean windows sills weekly



  1. Clean and disinfect floors, sinks, countertops, mirrors, toilets and urinals weekly.
  2. Empty garbage pails weekly.
  3. Ensure soap and paper towel dispensers are filled weekly
  4. Ensure there is extra toilet paper in each stall
  5. Place fresh urinal air fresheners weekly, before the weekend use.


Steps to Basement

  1. Vacuum the carpet weekly


Main Foyer

  1. Vacuum carpet on a weekly basis.
  2. Large window in the foyer to be cleaned monthly on the inside.
  3. Clean front doors, ceramic floors and markings on walls weekly.
  4. Dusting of all hallway furniture weekly.
  5. Clean and disinfect water fountain.


Children’s Sabbath School Rooms & Library

  1. Dusting and vacuuming weekly.
  2. Clean doors as required.
  3. Vacuum arm chairs and sofas in Cradle Roll room weekly.
  4. Blinds dusted weekly.


Fellowship Hall / Gymnasium & Stage

  1. Dusting windows sills weekly.
  2. Vacuum the stage area



  1. Countertops to be cleaned and disinfected weekly.
  2. Ensure waterless hand sanitizer is available at sink.


Front Foyer

  1. Clean the runners and floor tiles.


Janitor Closet

  1. Purchase / replenish cleaning supplies as required and submit expense receipts to the Treasurer or the Building Superintendent.


Garbage Removal

  1. Remove garbage from collection bins and baskets in bathrooms, rooms and office, and put all collected garbage during the time of cleaning into designated bins outside.
  2. Remove the garbage from the building for the city collection on Wednesday nights. All the garbage stored in outdoor bins shall be moved to the curb by the road weekly.
  3. Recycling is to be done twice per month.


Custodian Services for extracurricular events

When the church facility is rented for weddings, social parties, custodian fee shall be contracted.  In such cases the custodian will be informed 2 weeks in advance.

The custodian shall be present at the church during rental evets and will be reimbursed at a rate of $25 per hour.



It is expected of the custodian to invest 4 hours of work weekly, and 1 hour is designated for the garbage removal, weekly.


Terms & Schedule of Payment

Payment shall be issued by cheque twice per month, on the 1st and 15th of each month, in the amount of $220.


Compliance with Workers Compensation and Other Laws

The Contractor also agrees to comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes and orders in force during the performance of the Contract which relate to the preservation of public health or safety.


Default by Contractor

In the event that the Contractor does not perform the Work in accordance with the terms of this Contract, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any further payment under this Contract.

Other Terms

New contract will be reviewed after 3 (three) months of probation, during which the Church staff will observe the quality of cleaning, and the Contractor will assess time needed to complete required work.  A regular contract will be offered after the three months of probation, or a different person may be offered a contract. 


A signature is required to validate the agreement.

Below is the sample:

Yes, I________________________________ (person’s name is on the contract) will take the responsibility of serving as a custodian at the Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church and comply with all requirements listed above.


As the Undersigned Contractor, I agree to undertake all Work diligently in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with good quality residential standards and practices, and in compliance with any applicable Building Code and all other authorities having jurisdiction.

Signature                                                                    Date

Two Witnesses are required to sign the Contract.


(37) Advent Hall (Gym & kitchen) Rental Usage (Jan.19, 2019)

  • Activities which are sponsored by the church for the general benefit of the church shall enjoy free use of the facilities, and this shall include special member uses such as showers, member farewell parties, member milestone birthdays, and anniversaries. Sponsored means prepared, organized and facilitated by initiative of church officers and departments.
  • The approved list of uses for individuals renting the facility are showers, wedding receptions, luncheons, dinners, birthday, anniversary or graduation parties, sporting activities (approval to be determined when requested), business meetings, theatrical or musical performances, (these must be screened and are subject to approval by the board), holiday parties. Any other uses must be approved by the church board.
  • A different fee shall be charged to church members and community individuals who wish to use the facilities for any of the approved uses listed above which are personal in nature and not for the general enjoyment of the church body. Church members are receiving discounted price.  Rental fees for members are intended to cover the cost of hydro, heating and maintenance and are not intended for church profit.
  • Fees for rental of the gym and kitchen for non-members are:

$350.00 for a period up to 4 hours, and $65.00 for each hour exceeding this for the rental of the gym room.  Additional rental of the kitchen will cost an additional $50.00.  $100.00 of this total amount represents a deposit which will be returned to the renter if the conditions of use in items 10, 11, and 12 are met.

  • Fees for rental for members are as follows:

$180 for a period up to 4 hours, and $40 for each hour exceeding this.  There is no additional charge for the use of the kitchen.  A refundable deposit of $100 is required in addition to the fee.

  • The board shall appoint the GYM supervisor /custodian responsible for opening the facility for use, maintaining security and monitoring activities during the hours of use. The custodian shall be paid $50.00 per 4 hour period, and $15.00 for each hour extra. We recommend that for any event requiring room, hall or washroom cleaning after, an individual be appointed for this purpose and be paid $50.00.  Cleanup by this person does not include cleaning of the kitchen or kitchen equipment.
  • The renter will be responsible for the cleanup of the kitchen, if used, as well as the cleaning of any excessive mess made elsewhere in the facilities. Kitchen cleanup includes cleaning of any church owned dishes, utensils, ovens, microwaves, refrigerators, sinks, countertops, cupboard doors and the kitchen floors.
  • 50% of any profits made from the facility rentals be directed to building maintenance and 50% be directed to building and improvements.
  • The following practices be prohibited from the facility use: smoking, vaping, alcoholic beverages, unclean meat foods, and recreational dancing. We recommend that there be a volume restriction on any music played either live or recorded.  Volume must not exceed 85 decibels, and particularly if there are other activities going on in other parts of the church or school.  We recommend that the cooking, preparation of all meat products be prohibited in our facilities.
  • When the facility is rented out, the entrance shall be through the main front doors, and then through the school entrance and down the hallway. All door entrances to classrooms, offices, and the church must be kept locked. (Note:  The Fire Marshall must first be consulted to see if certain locked doors represent a fire escape hazard.)  If a church program is going on simultaneously, then a deacon must be posted at the church entrance to maintain security.  The supervisor of scheduling should always inform the renters of any other activities which may be occurring in the church at the same time.
  • The $100.00 deposit must be paid at the time of booking. This is refundable if the booking is cancelled at least 30 days prior to the event, and not refundable if cancelled within the 30 day period. Full payment for the rental (excluding additional hours of rental not anticipated) must be made at least 30 days prior to the event, otherwise the booking may be cancelled at the discretion of the supervisor of scheduling and the deposit returned.  If the event is cancelled by the renter, only the deposit may be forfeited, and any other money received by the church will be returned.
  • Additionally, the $100.00 deposit will not be refunded in full, if (a) within 1 day after the event, damage is discovered to the facilities or equipment, or (b) if within 1 day after the event, areas of cleaning which are the renter’s responsibility as defined in item 5 have not been cleaned. The supervisor of scheduling and the supervisor of activities shall determine together what portion of the $100.00, if any, shall be returned under the above conditions.
  • In the event of any damage to the facility or equipment exceeding $100.00 which has resulted from the rental event, done by any person in attendance, the renter agrees in the contract to assume responsibility for these damages and to pay the costs of repair or replacement.
  • The supervisor of activities shall be responsible for controlling the temperature setting of the heat thermostat.
  • It is recommended that rice or confetti throwing in the facility be prohibited, and that any table candles must be in containers approved beforehand by the supervisor of scheduling.
  • Renters must provide their own tablecloths if needed. Church owned chairs and tables may be used if desired, so long as the renter re-stacks and returns them to the storage area.
  • When the Audio-visual equipment which belongs to the church is requested to be used, the Audio-Visual Department personnel will be contracted, and fees of $25 per hour per person charged for the work. This option will be outlined in the contract.
  • The maximum number of people in the facility at any time as determined by the building department must be posted on a sign, and enforced by the supervisor of activities. (The architect’s calculations indicate seating capacity between 297 and 375, depending on arrangements of chairs or tables) Sign must be posted in the GYM
  • For any programs held in the rented premises, and particularly sporting activities, the renter must obtain liability insurance for that date, as the church liability insurance may not cover this. Verification of the insurance must be provided to the supervisor of scheduling prior to the event,
  • Coat racks will be provided outside of the kitchen area. A sign must be posted stating that the church is not responsible for the coats or contents.
  • Non-member renters must provide their own dishes and utensils. Members may use whatever church owned dishes or utensils are available, but they are responsible for cleaning them and for any damage or loss.
  • For members and non-members alike, a contract must always be signed for the rental of the facilities, (see copy below).
  • The supervisor of activities shall try to maintain order and resolve any conflicts or rowdiness but if this gets out of control, the police shall be called. A set of procedures should be developed for dealing with emergencies such as fire escape routes, medical emergency practices, tornado or storm alerts, etc. The supervisor of activities should be aware of these procedures and be able to implement them if an emergency situation arises.
  • If available, we recommend the insertion of a devise on the kitchen and lobby phones which will prevent outgoing long-distance calls.
  • It is recommended that for any rental of the facility for sporting events, a waiver be signed by all participants, (see sample “Assumption of Risk” below)
  • If snow or ice make the entrance walkway slippery in winter, the supervisor of activities shall spread salt out and / or shovel to ensure a safe walkway.


(38) Food Service Policy for Church organized and led events (May 11, 2020).

  • Only vegetarian-based meals will be prepared, warmed, and served at church-led and organized events.
  • This policy respects individuals’ freedom of choice and does not seek to regulate food selections outside of church officially organized events.
  • This policy reflects our church values, which include:
  1. Serving as a center of influence and a resource for leading the community to healthy living through education and programming.
  2. Consistently educating church members on healthy living, including the prevention and reversal of some diseases.
  3. Being good stewards by choosing food production methods that are less damaging to our planet.
  4. Mitigating variances regarding clean meat choices within the church.
  5. Upholding the legacy of our global church in principles of healthy living and promoting the Spirit of Prophecy counsels for a healthy diet.


(39) Ministry Appreciation (January 17, 2022).

To hold an appreciation Sabbath only once per year, wherein pastoral staff and ministry volunteers are collectively honored. There should be no separate appreciation for pastors; rather, all servants should be acknowledged together, recognizing their collaborative efforts as a team


(40) Musical Instruments Use policy (July 17, 2023)

  • The use of instruments is limited to members of the music team. Music Team Leaders may permit church members to play instruments, provided they supervise. Church Leaders are expected to enforce this policy.
  • Instruments and accessories should be securely locked when not in use.
  • Instruments should not be taken off church premises, except for church-sponsored activities.
  • Individuals who disregard this policy will be held liable for any damages.
  • A team leader will be appointed to oversee the borrowing, lending, or use of instruments.