Our Pastors

Dear Friend,

We are delighted that you chose to visit Windsor’s Church website, and we welcome you to it. Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church is a vibrant, multicultural congregation of over 300 members and families, representing 50 countries of origin. This significant attribute, combined with Christ’s love in our hearts, finds expression in the cordial atmosphere that characterizes our interaction with members and visitors.

Our worship services, centered around the study and proclamation of God’s word, are imbued with a sense of community and of joyful reverence in the presence of God. They embrace and address all people, regardless of gender, age, culture, ethnicity, social status or religious affiliation, for all are considered equal in the sight of God, our Father.

We take pleasure in inviting you to experience worship and fellowship with us. It is our goal to make you will feel at home and welcome in our community, as together we gather around our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Hope to see you soon.

Alex Golovenko

Alex Golovenko


Pastor Alex Golovenko was born in Ukraine to Adventist parents, serving God during a time of persecution by the Communist Regime through 1970s and 1980s.

Pastor Alex plays piano, guitar, trombone, accordion and other instruments. Loves books! His personal library has over 3,000 volumes. With teaching and empowering as his top spiritual gifts he always invests in developing people. Pastor Golovenko’s credo in life and ministry is “being a faithful servant,” trusting God, and ordering his steps always.

Benjamin Feagan

Benjamin Feagan

Assistant Pastor

Benjamin Feagan is a convert to Christianity and is the only Seventh-day Adventist in his family. He is passionate about sharing the gospel and promoting biblical health principles. While living and studying in India, he gained experience as a medical missionary and gospel evangelist. Together with his wife Lukhamlu and daughter Jemima, Benjamin ministers to the needs of Windsor youth. He plays tenor saxophone and clarinet and enjoys reading books. One of his favourite mottos is “I will not fail nor be discouraged.”